Part Eight

The next few days came, but very slowly. He tried to call her but the phone was disconnected. He called Dayna instead.

“Hi, is Dayna there?”

“Yeah, it is, what’s up?”

“Yeah, I have tried to call Mish but her phone is disconnected. She told our manager she wasn’t going to TRL and now I really need to talk to her. Can you help me out here?”

“Well, I guess so, but I can’t promise anything. So, um, how’s Ike? Not that I care, but how is the guy holding up?” Dayna lied through her teeth.

“If he gets any sadder, people are going to think we kidnapped the poor guy. I think he misses a certain someone, the same way I miss Mish.”

“Okay, well I’ll try to talk to Mish and get back to ya. Okay, bye.” So Dayna hung up and ventured her way over to Michelle’s house. She knocked on the door. She knocked for five minutes before Mish slumped her way out of bed and answered the door. She hasn’t eaten, slept, or showered in three days. It was pretty bad.

“Oh my god. What is wrong, you look so pale! I think you need some help. Or deodorant.” She said the last part under her breath.

“I’ll be okay, I just haven’t done much since the paper thing. Taylor hates me and so do some other people. I just been up in my room staring at them for three days.” Her voice was really light and hazy. She was wobbly and she was hugging the phone.

“Hun, I think we should clean you up. Your in real bad shape.”

Dayna helped Mish almost get back to normal; well she never was normal so that would be kinda hard. She got her to eat and shower so she didn’t smell like a dead fish. Then Dayna plugged the phone back in too so Tay could call. The TRL thing was in two days and Dayna wanted to go so she had to convince Mish to go too.

“So, Taylor called me today. He has been trying to call you.” She tried to have a spark of hope in her voice.

“That’s great. I bet he wants to tell me what a horrible person I am. Well I think I will pass on that one.” She sounded so enthused.

“He wants to apologize I think, and I kinda want to see Ike so you have to go on TRL, please, for me?” She gave her a little smile and a cute little look. It made Mish smile.

“Fine, I’ll call him.” She picked up the phone but before she could listen for a dial tone Dayna plucked the phone from her hand and slammed it back down on the receiver.

“I have a better idea. Do you still have your connections at the TRL studio?”

“Welcome back to TRL and now joining us is the hit band Hanson.” Carson Daly informs all the screaming girls.

“Hi Carson, thank for having us. We are glad to be here.” Ike says, he didn’t want to be sad, nor did any of them, so they all tried to be happy and it almost worked, but it was obvious something was wrong.

“Your guy’s video is number one again. You actually beat out N’Sync. That is quite an accomplishment.”

“Yeah, well N’Sync can’t always beat us, they have to play fair!” Zac says in a weird voice. Nothing new though.

“But before we show your video, we have a little surprise for Taylor.”

Then from the speakers Britney Spear’s song, Where Are You Now came on, but it wasn’t Britney singing it. It was Mish. She walked out wearing a beautiful purple dress. Her eyes were all glassy and she had a sparkle in her voice. She sang the song perfectly. Taylor was getting teary eyed. She walked right up to him and sang. She was pretty good too. She knew Dayna could hear the song, she looked out the window, Zac saw what she was looking at. He hit Ike’s shoulder. Ike almost ran from the studio when he saw her there crying.

“Carson, you have to get her up here.” Ike pointed down towards the girl.

“Who is she?” Carson was confused.

“Just get her up here!” Ike was really serious.

“Alright hold on.”

“Second chance, don’t blow it!” Zac pointed to the door as he spoke to Ike.

Mish kept singing, even when she saw Dayna. Dayna just stood in the doorway looking at Ike. Ike hurried over to her, she took four steps into the studio before Isaac reached out for her. They just stood there in each other’s arms. Dayna wouldn’t even speak for fear of ruining the moment with pointless talk. Ike knew and understood, so did she. That was all that mattered now.

Michelle kept on singing. She was singing to everyone now. The song was coming to an end now. She turned to Taylor and he saw the regret in her face. She had a single tear slowly rolling down her face. He gave her a big hug. The audience was practically crying too because it was so sweet. The song was over and all hell had broken lose. Everyone was so happy, and pissed that only one Hanson brother was available, that Mish and Tay got back together and that Ike had found someone that was hot! She had boobs the size of cannonballs. That was beside the point though.

“Okay, that was touching I must say. Let’s retire Hanson now, at number one, Hanson’s video If Only.” Carson said with a smile.

After the video was over there was a special interview that the guys had to stay for. It was an hour special on just the guys. The first question was “Isaac, who is this girl your with?”

“Well I really don’t know give me a second to find out!” Ike turned to Dayna and got on one knee. “ Dayna, I really like you. I’ve never met anyone like you. I want to spend forever with you. I love you. Please say you’ll marry me.”

Dayna just sat there beaming. “Isaac, I love you too. You didn’t even have to ask. Of course I will.”

With that Isaac pulled her close to him and kissed her softly at first but then much more passionately. When the kiss finally broke he turned to Ananda, “This is my fiancé, Dayna Brock. I love her and she loves me. Right now that’s all that matters. We’ll give you more details later.”

“Congrats Dayna, Ike’s hard to handle though are you sure you made the right choice here!?!” Zac of course was kidding.

“I couldn’t think of anyone else I could ever love more.” Dayna was so happy it shocked even her.

Taylor was so shocked that Ike had the balls to say anything of the sort in front of an audience, let alone a nation, that he was simply dumbfounded. Mish was kinda too. She really didn’t know what to say for once.

“Well, second question, Taylor, where is the relationship with Michelle going?”

“Well, not a proposal, but definitely something serious, if it’s cool with Mish.” Taylor glanced at Mish.

“Well only if you stop being so paranoid about other guys.”

“Deal.” Instead of kissing on camera, like Ike and Dayna who were over there sucking down each other’s faces, they just held hands. Which was fine for both of them.

“Third question, Zac are you still available or is there a girl waiting out in the halls for you too?”

“Nope I’m single ladies, obviously the only one left here.” He said a little disgusted.

“Alright what about the tour coming up this summer? Are the girls gonna be there?”

“Of course they are!” All three of the guys answered that one in unison.

“They are our dancers, choreographers, and fan management. Without them we’d be lost.” Taylor said.

“Actually without Michelle they’d be lost. I am just a dancer” Dayna had to add that one in.

“Yea but without Dayna’s support I’d go insane. Plus a lot of her moves are in the dances.” Mish was backing up her friend.

“Okay, well we are going to take a commercial break and then we will be back with Hanson.” Basically the rest of the show was fans asking questions and Ananda asking questions. Hanson Live was a success nonetheless. They talked about the tour that they took a break and are finishing in the summer. After the show all of them went back to a hotel and checked in. They all gave autographs to fans and then went swimming. They all played Marco Polo, for about 2 hours. Ike, Tay, Dayna got out leaving Mish and Zac to swim by themselves.

“So Zac, how are you?” Mish asked out of the blue.

“I guess I am fine. Well, not to be mean or anything, but I kind of feel left out. You have Tay, Ike has Dayna, and I have no one. I guess I am jealous.” Zac said truthfully.

“Oh, I didn’t know you felt that way. Listen, you will always have me. No matter what happens I will always be here for you. Just because I am going out with your brother doesn’t mean that you aren’t just as important to me. To tell you the truth, without you I would probably have already gone insane.” Mish was being truthful as well.

“Thank you, that means a lot to me.” Zac smiled. Michelle gave him a hug and then they continued swimming. They swam for three more hours. They love the water and a challenge. They had a race up the elevators. They had adjoining rooms so they raced to the rooms. You could hear them coming from a mile away. They were racing down the hall and the others looked out the door and got out of the way. They didn’t want to get trampled by the stampede that was coming. Zac got into the room first so Michelle just took a bucket of ice and poured it down his swim trunks. Now that was funny. He was running around like a retarded monkey. They all went to sleep, well almost all. Ike and Dayna went for a walk at 1:30 in the morning.

“Dayna, I must tell you, this is the best time of my life. Thank you so much for coming here and changing everything for me.”

“I think we have Mish to thank, if she didn’t invite me to come, I would of never got to meet you and spend the rest of my life with the perfect guy.” Then they kissed and decided to do something for Mish to show their thanks. They ventured their way back to the hotel. Mish and Dayna were supposed to be sharing a room and the guys and Zac had their rooms. But that night was different. Dayna and Ike never went back to their rooms. Instead of going to the fourth floor where they were staying, they decided to go sit on the roof and watch the sunrise together.

“What am I gonna tell everybody back home?” Dayna sounded distant.

“What do you mean?” Ike sounded way confused.

“I mean about us getting married, engaged, all of it? I mean I’m not even 18 yet.” She was scared that they wouldn’t understand, “I mean they are really conventional. I haven’t really known you all that long and now we’re engaged. They are gonna flip. What if they don’t let me go on the tour this summer?! What are we gonna do?” Dayna was so near tears she didn’t know what to do.

Isaac put his arm around her waste and hugged her tightly. ”Don’t worry, they’ll understand. If they know you’re happy they should be able to understand your feelings. At least they should if they want you to be happy. Dayna don’t worry about it, I love you that’s all that matters, right!?!”

“Yea it is. I love you too, Ike.” Dayna turned to kiss Ike; he honestly looked just as worried as Dayna was. She decided not to worry about it until she had to. But she knew the next day she was going home to face her family.

The next day all of them had to get up early to leave. Mish and Dayna had to go home to get ready for the tour and the guys had some work to do. All of them packed up their stuff and got to the airport. Michelle and Dayna’s plane left first so they had to say bye to them.

“Bye Ike, I’ll call you when I get back okay, love ya.”

“I love you too.” They kissed and said good-bye.

“Bye Mishy. I will call you tomorrow, okay.”

“I will, if I am not home leave a message and I will call ya back.” Then they kissed on the check because Taylor isn’t really into the whole public scene thing. He’s a shy boy, a shy but cute boy.

“Bye Zac, I’ll see ya in a week.” Mish was just as casual as before.

“Bye, I can’t wait until the day we reunite and go across country on the lovely tour of America!” Mish and Zac hugged and she gave him a kiss on the cheek too. Dayna said good-bye to Taylor and Zac too. They got on their plane and went back home. The guys made the way to their plane and Isaac seemed sad, once again.

“Ike, Dayna has only been gone for like ten minutes, you’ll see her soon enough.” Taylor said while rolling his eyes.

“It’s not just that, I do miss her already and want her to come back, but Mish didn’t even say good-bye to me. Do you think she is upset about the Dayna and me thing? I don’t want her to be mad.”

“She probably just forgot to. Don’t you think if she was mad you would have noticed before now? I think she just forgot. If it makes you happy, when I call her tomorrow I will ask.”

“Okay, thanks, but ya know what, I really adore Dayna. Her hair, her body, her personality, and she is so nice…” The whole way home was like that for them. Ike was just way too in love with Dayna. It was driving the other two nuts. That is all he talked about. What can you do, the guy is basically whipped.

When the boys got home Taylor called Mish. “Hi, hun, got home safely I see.”

“Yeah, um, I have a question to ask you. Why didn’t you say good-bye to Ike when we left? He was confused and thinks you are mad at him or something.”

“Oh, I thought I did say bye. I must have forgot. Tell him I am sorry and that I am not mad at him. He is one of my best friends.”

“Okay, I will and I don’t know what you or Dayna did but Zac seems to have gotten back to his old self again. Thank you, it really seemed to mean a lot to him.”

“No problem, he just needed to hear the right thing I guess.” Michelle talked to him for about and hour more and then they got off the phone. Tay told Ike about the miss understanding and that was resolved. Then Dayna called Ike.

“Hi hun, I got in okay. I am getting all my stuff ready for the tour. I will arrive in Oklahoma in exactly five days. I am so excited. I get to be with my fiancé and my best friend. Who could ask for more?”

“I don’t know but this is going to be the best tour ever. You know what we should do? Get Mish a thank you card for letting us meet. She is the reason we are together.”

“Okay, I will get it and bring it with me when I come. We had to take separate flights because she has something she had to do. She will be coming in after I do.”

“Why, what is she doing?”

“She wouldn’t tell me. She said it was top secret.” For once Dayna really didn’t know what was up. They ended up talking for three more hours. Michelle did have something she planned. She didn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want them to get mad at her. She really loved the Backstreet Boys and she wanted to go to a concert and so she called them. They ended up offering her a job, just for that one concert. She said she would do it, but only for the one show. She was going to go on tour with Hanson. The concert was on the Friday she was supposed to leave so she said she would come Sunday instead. On Friday she took Dayna to the airport since it was on her way to the concert.

“So Mish, why are you coming Sunday instead of today?”

“Well, I told you, it is personal. Don’t worry about it. I will be there Sunday for sure.”

“Come on, you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone.” Dayna was bugging her and so she finally gave in.

“Well, you promise not to tell?”

“I promise.”

“Okay, well the Backstreet boy’s concert is tonight and I am going. I was only going to go just to watch but then they offered me some money to do a little performance just for the one show and so I said okay. It is only for the one show though. That’s it.” Mish looked at Dayna, who’s mouth was to the floor.

“You are working for the Backstreet Boys. If the guys ever found out they would kill you…”

“DAYNA! You promised you wouldn’t tell!”

“I won’t, but I have nothing to do with this, I never knew, I don’t want them to get mad at me.”

So she dropped her off and went to the BSB concert. The concert had been advertised before the tickets had gone on sale. The day they went on sale, the concert sold out in a record three minutes. So many people wanted to go. Mish met the guys and they all swapped autographs and pictures. She had a really good time. For a one-time thing, this was going to be awesome. When she performed with a bunch of dancers they crowd was so loud, you couldn’t even hear yourself think. It was so much fun. Mish ended up spending Saturday with the guys too. She told them about the Hanson tour and how she was going with them. They said if she ever needed a change of band, they would take her anytime. Well then their time ended together and she had to fly to see all of her guys down south. She left and got down there to see her man. When she got there, there was a limo driver there to pick her up, no one else. She knew something was up. When she got to the house, it was dark inside and it was like no one was home. All the sudden everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. Mish was just a little bit confused because it wasn’t her birthday or anything like that.


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