Backstreet Boys
Concert Review

Pictures compliments of me 0:)


It all started at about 3:30 that morning. I took a drive-by down by the ol' theater and saw people. I freaked out and went shopping for my food and got packed up and was out the door by 5 something. I set up camp: sleeping bag, cooler, pillow, blanket, and my backpack. I slept on the sidewalks of Detroit until almost noon with few interruptions. One being some bum guy rapping and me not liking it. After I was done sleeping I talked a lot with the 2 girls next to me, Sivan and Danile. Two Canadian girls who were really nice and cool to sit in line with. Mine you we were like part of the first 30 people in line. It was gravy.

As time passed we noticed people were across the street and had no idea why. I guess they were doing repairs or something on one of the buildings where everyone was lined up by, so the cops told us to move the line onto the other street that goes along the State Theater, just across the street. You know what I mean. Keeping in line everyone moved and we chilled there. Time passed and tour buses came. I got like shit for pictures of them coming off the bus, I didn't even bother putting em' up for you to see. So we are all waiting in line.

About an hour and a half before the show starts, mind you the line is down at least 2 blocks or more now, some asshole tell the people that the line is down the other street causing a wave of people to come in front of us and go on that street. We have been here for 13+ hours and these people think they're getting in before us. We caused an uproar and threw a fit until justice was had.

The main guy, Tim, came out and realized what happened. He tried to get the people that were in line all day up to the front. He kept telling people to go over to where the State Theater was to line up. Well he wasn't picking me and the girls I was talking to for that line. I got really nervous that I was losing my spot and no front row and my 15 hours of waiting was for nothing. I started crying my eyes out until he let us three over there. We tried to get our spots back, but they wouldn't let us (the security guys, not the girls) so I just jumped in like 6 people behind where I should have been. I was pissed, but I was getting in before everyone. It was carazy. Just imagine how irate I would have been had I not gotten over to that line. They would have never heard the end of it.

So we get into the main floor area, where I run to the front/walk fast, whatever and wait for another almost 2 hours for them to come out. 8:15pm on April 5, 2005 the Backstreet Boys took the stage to a sold out venue for screaming girls (and surprisingly quite a few guys) and blew us all away.

They danced, they sang, the took my breath away. They played almost every song on their greatest hits Cd and so many new ones from their Cd that will be out in June. It was just an amazing, outstanding, memorable, marvelous, fantastic, magical moment in my life. To be so close to the 5 guys that I love with my whole heart. I got Howie's attention and I was like, I love you!! He's like thank you and gave me his little wink. And I got Brian and Kevin to sing to me. It was perfect. I got pushed back for like part of a song but then the girl moved out and I got my spot back. I have awesome pictures.

So there is the biggest girl next to me. She didn't even look like she was happy to be there. She kept pushing everyone back like they were going to stop pushing forward or something. Yeah, right. The crowd was so out of control!! The guys kept trying to calm us down, but it didn't work. Shit, before the concert even started a girl passed out. We were a huge mass of sweat and heat and screams. I loved it. I love that concert effect. I wasn't that squished for some reason. I had like the perfect non-squish spot. I loved it.

I soaked in every minute of the concert. I sang, I screamed, but I was in too much shock or "awww" to get like out of control. They overtook my mind, body, and soul. They blew me away plus, being that close to them, just made me go crazy. I can't even put into words how I felt at those moments of bliss.

After the concert let out, I tried to stick behind and get the crew to give me something, but they weren't having that. That made me sad. I go outside to where their buses are and I saw Brian, Kevin, and Howie giving autographs. I was just so happy. Then I realized that after most of them were on the buses that a girl was just standing off to the side by herself. I casually walk over and she's like shhhhh, but Brian and Aj are in the window right there. I was like omg yes. We just kept in on the DL and they would look at us and wave and smile and such. I was like omg!!! Then others figured it out and came and ruined it. But I was like I love you Brian and blew him a kiss and he goes I love you and blew me a kiss. It was so cute!! I took a picture but it didn't really come out. It's the last one on the picture pages.

I got my shirt, poster, and glow stick, and went home. I was in a daze on the way home and until I went to bed. I couldn't even think straight. On my way home I put on All I Have To Give and I was crying . I don't even know why. All the emotion in me and seeing them and it was just awesome. I'm so thankful for them and I cannot wait until they come back. It's going to be fabulous again :)

So we were their biggest show so far. That made me happy and I got awesome pictures. They still hold my favorite moment in life and I love them. Best concert this year for sure!!! Enjoy my awesome pictures, I love the Backstreet Boys!!!!! *muah*

Oh you know I gots the pictures!